Exciting new programme for London's SMEs - Business Works
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Exciting new programme for London's SMEs

UCL and Goldman Sachs
A new programme designed to unlock the economic and job creation potential of small businesses and social enterprises has just been launched by UCL and the Goldman Sachs Foundation.

The goal of 10,000 Small Businesses UK is to provide participants with tools and resources to help them lay the foundation for long-term sustainable growth and job creation. 10,000 Small Businesses is designed for leaders of established small businesses and social enterprises, who will benefit from targeted support and resources to help them define and achieve their business growth aspirations.

The core of the programme is high-quality, practically-focused business and management training, delivered over twelve sessions lasting approximately 100 hours. To supplement this core learning, 10,000 Small Businesses provides a range of business support services to participants. During the application process and curriculum delivery, the specific needs of the participants are identified to inform the provision of appropriate support. UCL and Goldman Sachs will work with their network of local partners to co-ordinate the delivery of these services which will include but among others specialist workshops, one to one business advising, access to capital and alumni services. During the course of the programme every participant will develop a customised Growth Plan to direct their organisation’s business strategy and expansion.

A crucial feature of the programme is the unique networking and peer learning opportunities created for participants. As leaders of small businesses from a wide range of industry sectors, programme participants offer complementary strengths, knowledge and skills to the collective group. The course is taught in a collaborative setting that creates community and trust, and builds off the real-world experiences of the participants and maximises opportunities to create and enhance valuable and networks.

10,000 Small Businesses is fully funded by the Goldman Sachs Foundation. Demand for places is expected to be high and the selection process involves a detailed application form and interview. Applicants from all business areas are welcome, from retail to high-tech, via manufacturing and services.

How to apply

Online applications are now open and and will run until 9 December 2011. Short-listed applicants will be interviewed in the second half of January 2012 and workshops will run from 16 February to the end of May 2012.

Further details, including the programme's eligibility can be found at: www.ucl.ac.uk/10ksb, or, if you have any questions, please e-mail: 10ksb@ucl.ac.uk

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