Business Works - BW briefs
BW briefs

BW briefs

The workplace of the future is wherever you are


by Rob Greenslade, Director, CentralisThe workspace of the future can be wherever the employee is, provided they have access to the applications and data they need, with security and control more ...

Wasted female talent costing business billions


by Karen Gill, co-founder of everywomanThere is a wealth of valuable experience and expertise that businesses are losing, often to competitors, by failing to use their female talent more ...

Winning the business culture wars


by Jim Hayward, Senior Partner, Baringa PartnersRegardless of how hard a company works at developing a distinctive and valuable corporate culture, times of change will inevitably present a challenge more ...

Social customer service - are you ready?


by Pete McGarr, MD, TemperoNot many CEOs would question the ROI of the telephone for customer service and that is exactly how they now need to think about social media more ...

Social media rejected for customer service


by Shamus Kelly, CEO, PortalResearch shows that customers resort to social media as a last resort for customer service, preferring the traditional methods more ...

Engage employees for long-term business success


by Kevin Young, MD, Skillsoft EMEAThe key to long-term business success is to engage employees and make them feel a valued and vital asset. Business leaders increasingly believe in the value of learning more ...

BW briefs are short, topical features overing a wide variety of subjects. They are arranged by date so please browse and enjoy!
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