Business Works - BW briefs
BW briefs

BW briefs

Cyber security for the non-technical


by Carmen Carey, CEO, ControlCircleUnderstand the cyber risks to your business (whatever its size) and how to fight the threats, both now and in the future more ...

Stressed out? Top tips for winding down


by Sherylin Thompson, counsellor and psychotherapistGetting respite from the pressures of work can be difficult - some well-researched tips for getting the most relaxation benefits from time out of the office more ...

Are gender quotas necessary in the Boardroom?


by Tracey Rogers, Managing Director, Unilever Food Solutions UKThe business and social argument is powerful and should stimulate behavioural change in its own right - quotas should not be required. But is the argument winning? more ...

Overseas trading and currency risk avoidance


by Eve WatkinsTrading overseas, whether buying or selling, is something for companies of all sizes, but currency fluctuation must be taken into account more ...

Employment should be the focus of CSR


by Millie Banerjee, Chairman, Working LinksHelping people from disadvantaged groups into work is not only the right thing to do, it also enhances customers’ and employees’ perceptions of a business and good CSR strategy more ...

Could supermarkets become superbanks?


by Jon Worley, Director, The Logic GroupConsumers in the UK would like to have a single card for payments and loyalty scheme - supermarkets have an opportunity to rival banks more ...

BW briefs are short, topical features overing a wide variety of subjects. They are arranged by date so please browse and enjoy!
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