About Business Works

About Business Works

Business today is about competition: about having the right information at the right time.

Business works is an invaluable and authoritative source of critical intelligence on a wide range of business topics.

Each issue contains informative and practical articles that will be invaluable to business leaders from all sizes of company.


A critical part of competitiveness is making the most of resources - from the oragnisation's people, to ensuring that the most cost-effective suppliers are selected. The business market today can seem confusing with a wealth of suppliers offering a variety of products and services. Features will look at relevant issues as varied as personnel, IT and communications, energy and office supplies to name but a few.

The ‘Interview of the Issue’ will feature a well-known influential thinker with views worth sharing.

Companies and organisations that have some interesting qualities will be examined along with reasons for their success or uniqueness.

Business Works is distributed on a named basis to decision makers (including CEOs, CFOs, Marketing Directors) in leading businesses, the Times Top 1000 and Members of Parliament. Distribution is via a controlled circulation and subscriptions are also available.

Business Works - ISSN 1756-4662 [print]
is a publication of E-charge Ltd (UK Registered: 0396 9281)
Business Works® is a Registered Trade Mark.

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