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Search results for: outsourcing

in: Briefs

Maxine Park, Director, DictateNowOutsource in the UK - it's better for everyone
Maxine Park, Director, DictateNow (05-Dec-2012)
The importance of the outsourcing industry to the UK economy cannot be overestimated and keeping the work local is better for business and the economy
CIPDIs Migration Cap hampering UK productivity?
CIPD (24-Feb-2011)
Demand for migrant workers has increased despite rising levels of unemployment - will the Cap affect productivity?

in: Articles

Rosario Maria OttoPhilippines - mixing business and pleasure
Rosario Maria Otto
Remarkable growth in IT and business support, health and wellness, retirement, and tourism are drawing in new foreign investments
Oscar SanezThe Philippines' new pillar of industrial growth
Oscar Sanez
The Philippines has many traditional industries, but IT Business Process Outsourcing (IT-BPO) is the one experiencing unprecedented growth.

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