Business Works - article search results

Search results for: philippines

in: Briefs

BWMotivation - so you think you've got problems?
BW (11-Sep-2012)
Motivation - how do Paralympic athletes do it and what can we learn from their inspiration, dedication and perseverance

in: Articles

Rosario Maria OttoPhilippines - mixing business and pleasure
Rosario Maria Otto
Remarkable growth in IT and business support, health and wellness, retirement, and tourism are drawing in new foreign investments
HE M Edgardo B EspirituThe Philippines ... an introduction
HE M Edgardo B Espiritu
The Philippines is one of the lesser-known Asian countries, positioned as one of the further south eastern countries in Asia. An exciting place for business, tourism and its amazing natural environment.
Oscar SanezThe Philippines' new pillar of industrial growth
Oscar Sanez
The Philippines has many traditional industries, but IT Business Process Outsourcing (IT-BPO) is the one experiencing unprecedented growth.
The leisure of business in the Philippines

Business travel often ignores the “travel” part of it. Burdened with deadlines, presentations and cross-cultural communication, the business traveller is left either tired or uninterested as the trip comes to a close. The Philippines offers so much m

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